Ways to keep your Pergola set looking like new All Season!
A pergola set is a major investment and like any other investment you should put the time in to protect it. The key to maintaining any part of your Pergola is preventative maintenance. Plan ahead, simply set aside one weekend each year to stain, tighten and clean your investment. A few hours of prep work can give you many more years of safe Pergola shade fun time in the backyard.
Here are some ways to keep your Pergola set looking like new
Stain and Seal
Before you start, remove any furniture and other valuables stored under the Pergola as well as any top covering on the Pergola frame. Be sure to clean your Pergola floor with soap and water. You can power wash the brackets and the lumber or wooden parts on gentle to ensure you get every bit of dirt and debris off. (Note: Power Washing on high will damage the wood). Let the set dry. Lightly sand any rough patches and apply stain or sealer to the wooden components. Wait 24 hours for the stain/sealer to dry and before you put the furniture back on.
Check Pergola Brackets
You should check the Pergola Brackets next. Inspect the bolts and or screws then tighten any that have become loose. Doing this does not take much time, and all you need is a wrench/ drill driver power tool.
Replace and Clean
As long as you regular clean your Pergola, it will definitely look great all year round. You may need to replace your tent canopy top after about 3-5 years, as the strong summer sun and our winters can take their toll over time. This can also be an opportunity to upgrade your Pergola canopy fabric cover top. Retractable Pergola Canopy Shade Cover
Update the Floor Surface
Now, check to see if Floor surfaces needs upgrade especially if wooden. If it is concrete check for cracks and determine if an update is due; to prevent an unstable support base.
Consider new Upgrades
A lot might have changed since you first installed your Pergola set, and perhaps it needs a size expansion altogether to accommodate more persons or a few more fun additions like furniture or notably a decorative plants e.t.c.
In conclusion, you can upgrade your Pergola by incorporating more sectional to the existing structure using the following accessories. Besides, you can browse online or call us (877)-959-3443 for expert recommendations.